So... what is going on in our lives....
Lets start with Nick
OK... so I haven't kept this very up to date.
Nick Graduated!!!! Months ago!!
We've been too busy celebrating and he has been too busy fishing. We'll have to get some pictures of his fish for the blog.
Now Nick is concentrating on job hunting... and fishing. Congrats Nick!
We are really proud of you!!
Nick Graduated!!!! Months ago!!
We've been too busy celebrating and he has been too busy fishing. We'll have to get some pictures of his fish for the blog.
Now Nick is concentrating on job hunting... and fishing. Congrats Nick!
We are really proud of you!!
Bad picture! But we don't have many pictures of me to choose from. This will give me great insentive to take some of me. Maybe I should have some glamour shots taken. I'm much more attractive than this picture shows! (That was for you Mom.) I've just finished "re-finishing" our table and chairs- I think that it went pretty well. Now I'm looking for a few new projects.
Ari just turned “twee.” She is very excited to be so old. Ari got a red wagon for her birthday, and the kids suddenly love to take walks. An uncle, with no kids of his own- yet, taught them how to take the wagon up the hill by our house, and send it down. They about killed a little girl that was playing with them. Ari loves to cuddle and smile. Whenever she finds me looking at her, she smiles as big as she can, which makes her eyes disappear.
With school behind us, we are enjoying ourselves and waiting to find out where our next adventure will take us. I'm pretty bad at keeping this updated.... but I will try to keep you posted with any updates.