Sunday, February 20, 2011

For Becky....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's ALMOST done! It has taken a while. Nick has been horribly busy, but there are only a few small housekeeping items left. As you can see, our junk is moved in and I have been really enjoying my new bathroom. It looks amazing- I think even Nick is impressed with how good everything looks. I feel a little wierd posting all these pictures of our house... but I'm pretty sure that there are only a few people who care enough to check our blog and your the ones that have been asking and would want to see.. so here you goThanks Nick!

Taking these pictures was hard, since I couldn't get back far enough, just know it looks even better than these!

Here is a picture of what everyone really wants to see. The kids (well, most of them in this one. Chase is growing quickly. His skin is still really dry and he is always scratching himself. Despite that, he smiles SO much, it really brightens our house up. All of his brothers and sister ADORE him. I have to tell them to go away sometimes when he gets fussy, so he and I can have some room! They are great helpers and Ace is happiest when he is in the thick of the chaos that is our home.