Sunday, March 17, 2013

So life has been really crazy lately.  Part of that is my own fault, and part of that is just life.  I painted the boys room a few weeks ago.  Painting with a new baby is tricky, but I enjoyed it, and I'm really proud of the end result.  The camera messed with the blue color a little, but this picture is pretty close.
Chance thought that now he can drive his cars on the walls!

We celbrated Chance's 6th Birthday yesterday. He wanted a Captain America cake, a batman pinata, and he got the green aliens from Toy Story for his class treat. The cake was my first fondant experiment, which was fun.

This side looked more like cat woman!

Chance got boxing gloves from his mom and dad and an air soft gun from his aunt and uncle.  We may be crazy!

The first Sunday of the month, Pierce was blessed.  Matney, Rob and their family were here.  It will be so nice to have family closer!  It is always a really sweet thing to see one of our babies blessed.

Pierce is growing too fast.  He isn't a really chubby baby, but his fat cheeks make him look a lot chubbier than he is.  Right now, with his last growth spurt that has left him bald and his chubby cheeks, he looks like a hound dog!  It is sweet to me how preciouse a baby is and how beautiful I think he is, even when he is in a funny looking stage.  He hasn't slept in his own bed for more than a nap since he was born.  

Last week, I drove home from church.  That was the last time that we saw our car keys.  We looked in every conceivable place for them.  I looked in most inconceivable places for them.  We can’t find them.  I was pretty bummed about it; I knew that keys with chips are expensive; I just didn’t know how expensive.  The keys are pricy and then we have to pay to program them, but the bad part is that the car has to be at the dealership for them to program new keys.  Yes, the friendly man at the dealership was kind enough to clarify it for me; this means that the car has to be towed, since the keys are lost.  I became a little more upset over the lost keys after figuring this out.  The kids and I talked about it and we said a prayer and began to tear the house apart- again.  Still no keys.  Every time we prayed, we asked to find the keys- still no keys.  One night, as I put the girls to bed, Brynli asked me, a little upset, why Heavenly Father hadn’t answered our prayers yet.  I must admit that I had struggled with asking them to pray for the keys, knowing that if we didn’t find them it could precipitate this very question.  Oh ye of little faith!  I asked them why Heavenly Father doesn’t answer all our prayers right away.  Ari, smart girl, piped right up: “Because then our lives would be too perfect.”  And then I asked the really hard question, “Why don’t we want our lives to be too perfect.”  Ari new the answer again!  “Because then it wouldn’t be a test,” she answered.  She’s right and although Heavenly Father maybe hasn’t answered that prayer yet, the way we would have like, He gave us a better opportunity to talk about things that are more important.  This week as I’ve stressed and thought about those stupid keys, I’ve had a chance to really see how unimportant those keys are.

 (Thanks to my visiting teacher, who suggested I call our car insurance agent, the car got towed Saturday, no expense to us- thank you State Farm!)  Now we just have to wait for our appointment on Tues, pay a ridiculous amount of money for keys, but not towing, and I should be able to drive again!)