Sunday, December 21, 2014

Merry Christmas!!!

I love getting other people’s Christmas letters and catching up on friends and family that are far away, but I am not on the ball enough (or I’m just too lazy) to do it myself.  This year, I decided on a compromise, I will write a letter and post it online.  Compiling addresses and mailing letters is most of the work!

We are still in Zanesville, OH.  We have been here for two plus years now and enjoy it.  Yes, we miss the mountains and the Western snow, but we love the people and our life here.  Nick works for Kelloggs and just changed from working in the Quality Assurance department to the Production department.  He is working crazy hours, but he is enjoying the challenge and it is keeping him out of trouble!  Between work and serving as a counselor in our bishopric, Nick doesn’t have time for any hobbies other than getting his wife’s honey-do list done.  He does a good job of that.

I’m teaching the 14-15 year old Sunday school class.  Those of you that knew me as a youth, probably feel like it is fair payback!  I enjoy it; although, most Sundays, I doubt the youth do.  The two youngest boys aren’t in school yet, so they keep me busy, laughing and yelling.  I keep really busy with projects around the house and keeping up with the laundry and lives of my family.  Not very glamorous, but I am constantly surprised at how happy I am to stay home and do laundry!

Brynli is in fifth grade.  She is our girly girl and she is a huge help to me with everything.  She does a lot of the baking for the family now and helps out with her younger brothers and sisters.  She and Arwyn played on different basketball teams this year.  Brynli informed me that she doesn’t want to do it again next year!  The oldest three are also taking piano lessons from Nick and Brynli is the best at consistently practicing!

Arwyn is in fourth grade, but doesn’t mind helping with fifth or second grade homework!  Ari is our most competitive child and she is loving being able to play basketball.  She has spent some of that competitive spirit on the basketball court, even though her team hasn’t won a game yet.  Ari loves to read and is finishing up the Harry Potter books and starting on the Hobbit.  She is our most energetic pianist in the family!

Chance has just started piano and isn’t so sure about the whole thing.  He is in second grade and tells us every night that he didn’t learn anything in school.  Luckily, despite not learning anything, he is getting good grades.  He is a great reader!  Chance will be baptized this coming March and we are all excited for that.  I took him out for putt-putt and dinner the other night because he memorized the 13 Articles of Faith.

Chase is 4 and I try to stay on my toes with him!  He is too bright for his own good!  He is allergic to milk, eggs and wheat.  He is great about being careful and not eating a lot of things, but he always asks to smell them.  I will put them up to his nose, let him take a big whiff and he will tell me how good it smells and then run off!  He loves to dance and has started rocking out to Christmas carols and to hymns (during church).

Pierce is almost two and is growing up!  He isn’t a baby anymore, instead he loves babies and yells “baby” at the top of his lungs when he sees one.  He has just really started to talk- like crazy and put words together.  Yesterday, Chase taught him “elbow.”  He loves to give hugs and kisses and is always running over to hug my legs, before taking off to play.  He also loves to pray.  When I went to put him down for his nap today, he knelt down by the bed, folded his arms and said, “pray.”  We had to pray twice before he would go to sleep.

Merry Christmas.  We know it is because of Christ’s birth and life, and even his death, that we are able to be happy.  We hope that you feel that happiness too.

The Rowleys