This is the one where I asked them to look silly.....
This is one where I asked them to look good, do you see a difference. I don't!
Ok, so I counted, and I haven't posted anything for over a half of a year. I think I would feel worse if I knew that people actually looked at out blog, but I'm pretty sure we don't have that big of a following! Sorry, Becky, it isn't a BIG following, but you are important and you probably like to hear about your grandkids 'going ons. I'll try to catch you up... this might not be in chronological order!
Brynl's favorite part was the pioneer dress up, hands down. Where did I get such a girly-girl.
Chance's least favorit
e part was the brick makers, where we forgot him outside!
The swimming was Chance and Ari's favorite part. Nick made some friends in the pool too, so it was probably his too!

My favorite part was Carthage. I had never been before. It was really special. Mom was nice enough to stay outside with Chase and Arwyn and Dad, Nick, Chance, Brynli and I went on the tour.
Becky and Leon came in June and we put them to work. Of course, I don't have any pictures of that!
This is one where I asked them to look good, do you see a difference. I don't!
Way back in May, Mom and Dad came to visit us. We had lots of fun. We spent a few of the days around Navoo. Here we are outside of the Mark Twain river boat. The kids seemed to have more fun talking about the ride, than enjoying it though.
Brynl's favorite part was the pioneer dress up, hands down. Where did I get such a girly-girl.
Chance's least favorit
The swimming was Chance and Ari's favorite part. Nick made some friends in the pool too, so it was probably his too!
My favorite part was Carthage. I had never been before. It was really special. Mom was nice enough to stay outside with Chase and Arwyn and Dad, Nick, Chance, Brynli and I went on the tour.
Becky and Leon came in June and we put them to work. Of course, I don't have any pictures of that!
I think that the highlight of the kids summer was the Comin Family Reunion. We zip lined, paraded, played kick ball and played a TON. Everyone got red shirts with the family brand on them. All the kids, and sometimes all of us will end up wearing them on the same day. This happens quite frequently, because the kids wear them like clockwork on the first day after laundry day!
Chase is growing! He is very close to walking and he is into everything. He shakes his head "no" at you when you tell him "no," smiles, and does exactly what he wants to, knowing he shouldn't! He and I have had colds the past few days and even sick and teething, the boy is a good kid, who hardly fusses.
We went to the allergist in Aug. and found out that Ace is allergic to milk, eggs and wheat! Its good we love him so much, because otherwise I might be tempted to send him back. We've been experimenting with different things & I'm really happy "gluten free" is all the rage now!
The other day, we were praying before we ate. Chase is still little, and has no patience, so I usually put some fingure foods on his tray to keep him happy while we pray. After the prayer, I looked up and he wasn't eating anything, had his arms foldeed and made an inarticulate sound that I knew was his "amen." They learn fast, even before we think they are ready!
Chase makes it hard because he is a little vacuum and it makes it hard to regulate what he eats.
After his first day, Chance told me that he is "shy," but it doesn't seem to stop him from making friends and he doesn't look back when I drop him off. That's a good thing, right?!
Arwyn is loving 1st grade. She came out the other day, and told me she had an "AMAZING" day! Her teacher had good things to say about her too!
Arwyn wanted a pinata for her birthday, so we decided to make one. We had lot's of fun making it, and I think it turned out really, really well! The kids enjoyed helping, although they didn't want to get their hands in that dirty paper mache stuff! After it was all done, I asked Ari if it was as cool as she had thought. Her answer: "no."
Brynli loves school too, and she is a great reader! Brynli is definitely the older sister and I rely on her help a lot!
The other day, Brynli asked why I don't sew more. I responed, I love to sew, but I don't have much time. Brynli thought for a minute and then said: "Mom, maybe we should help you more, so you can have more time to sew and play, like us." It was really sweet to hear!
This picture says it all for Nick! On a whole, I thinki he is doing great, but with work, family and being YM Pres., the stress does make for some rough days. Good to know he can still laugh and make us laugh.