Pierce Grey Rowley is here!
The day Pierce was born, I had a doctor's appointment. He said I was already at a 5 and should go straight over to labor and delivery. Instead, I had to stop home because I had forgotten to give Nick the van keys and he was stranded at home with all of the kids, who were out of school on a snow day. (They will cancel snow here for almost anything it seems. For those of us used to rugged weather it seems a little wimpy and on that day inconvenient!) At around 11 the doctor broke my water and at 3, I was still at a 5. Things picked up from there and Pierce was born at 5:20. He came so quickly in the end, I think we scared the nurse, who was hollering out the door... "I need anyone in here, I don't care who...help." Our doctor was delivering another baby at the same time and got there just in time to pick our new boy off the bed...he missed the birth by a few seconds.
The kids are fascinated with the baby and all things associated with him. The girls want to watch a labor on the internet (not happening) and Chance especially is curious about this breast feeding thing.
Pierce was a real mover when he was in my stomach, so I was a little worried about him being too active once he arrived. He is the sweetest, most peaceful boy. Which is a good thing, because he has a really "piercing" cry when he does use it!
I'm doing well recovering and Nick and the kids have been great about stepping up and helping. The kids were already discussing at dinner the other night where the next few kids would be able to sleep and how we could rearrange rooms to accomodate more!