Sunday, November 10, 2013

All Hallow Eve

So, we decided to go as a family of superheros this year.  Brynli went as Black Canary- a little know superhero with amazing screeching abilities.  Very few people knew who she was, it weeded out who was and was not die hard comic book fans!  Ari went as Wonder Woman, Chance as Cpt. America.  Chase went to the ward Trunk or Treat as Superman and trick or treating as batman.  Pierce was Robin.  Nick went as Mr. Incredible and I pretended that I was Pepper Potts.

Chase got sooooo much attention as a superhero that he has taken to wearing his costume to the doctors and to casual church activities.  The boy loves attention!  It was raining the night of Halloween and there weren't many out in our neighborhood, so our neighbors were emptying their bowls into the kid's bags!  What a haul!

I don't post at all for over half a year, and then I do multiple ones to try to get us caught up!

As of Nov. 1st, we have been in Zanesville for one year.  Just before that one year mark, I finally got our family picture on the wall.  The only problem was that it was lacking two of our children.  Yes, the picture was four years old, which is a big deal when you have two babies in those four years.  While mom and dad here, they were kind enough to let me use their nice camera to take our family pictures myself.  The older four kids really got into the individual picture taking part.  They loved posing and smiling.  Some enjoyed to so much it was scary!  The group and family picture sessions did not go as well.  People were not as enthusiastic about looking happy together.  I was pretty grumpy myself a few seconds into it myself.  So... our family picture is... the best that can be expected.  The individual ones of the kids are great (yes, I took them, but it was all the camera).  They were so good that when I had them printed, the lady told me she believed they were not professional, but her attitude told me she didn't really believe it.  I had to sign all this paperwork about the pictures not being copywrited before I could get my hands on them!   So... here you go distant Grandparents....

All the kids think this is the best picture ever.  They spend tons of time talking about it and looking at it on the slide show.  Pierce is pretty dang cute.  There is something about him (and the fact that he is a baby) that makes all the kids love him.  I don't know if he will ever crawl, he is waited on hand and foot, having his every need met before he even knows he has it.

I think I may be overdue for something.  Apologies to Grandparents in foreign lands that don't get to see my kids much.  We do love you!

Ari was baptised last month.  It was really special for all of us.  Grandpa and Grandma Smathers, Tyler and Matney and Rob's families were able to make it.
Uncle Tyler, as usual, was especially popular.  Will his student's ever learn anything other than how to have fun?!
Dad and Ty had to get back to "work," so we had a week to play with Grandma Jo.  We didn't know it when we moved here, but we have a lot of family history right here.  The Comin side of our family lived here and we went and visited  their graves.  The leaves had started changing color and it was beautiful visiting these small country grave yards.  We had almost left without finding some of the graves, but after some gps and traffic cerffafles, we ended up, providentaly, at the right grave yard.  Mom found a gravestone of a Young Comin.  I was standing several yards away and she lost it, she was so excited.  The next contestant on the price is right has nothing on her screaming and jumping abilities!  For a few hours, we even thought we had found someone we hadn't known about.  Even if we didn't find any new information, it felt to me like we were standing in holy places, standing next to our kindred dead.  Chase and Pierce were great while we explored too!