The most recent "family picture" that we have. We really should have a real photographer take a family picture sometime. It is scary how much Brynli can look like me, down to the same facial expressions!
Brynli's first day of school. She was so excited to be off- she hardly looked back. I managed to keep a mostly stiff upper lip. She loves it. She is already in the thick of school girl drama and loves the social life. She does manage to learn something and has been impressing me with what she has learned. Don't laugh, but she is always asking me how to spell this or that. Pretty soon I'll be asking her.
Ari loves to read the Fancy Nancy books, which are all about a girl that likes to be fancy. You can tell from the picture why she might like the books. At the same time, she loves to be active. Last night, Ari came in from playing on the scooter with a big strawberry on
I love this picture. It is a little old, but it is SO my little man. I have lots of nicknames for Chance, and he always tells me, "No, Mom, I just Chance boy!" Chance boy has discovered matchbox cars and he carries them everywhere. I find them in all his pockets. When we go to the store he insists on bringing three, which he juggles, drops, and periodically drives through the isles. I don't know how a boy can be so sweet and stubborn at the same time.
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